Well, I never kept up with my old blog that well because I intended it to be a blog about a Mommy. My life has expanded in so many ways that although my son is still the apple of my eye, all of my thoughts no longer center around him. This is healthy I believe. I am my own person, I was before, and will be when he leaves home. My son, known to you as Tater is a beautiful 2 year old boy. Words can't express my love for him, or the happiness he has brought to my life. I have learned so much from him, and am amazed by him with every interaction we have.
A little about me. My name is Jessica. I'm in my mid to late-20s and used to be a teacher. I am now a nursing student. I just completed semester 1 out of 4. I will graduate 16.5 long hard difficult months from now and be an RN (do you say "an" RN or "a" RN? LOL). I was a SAHM (stay at home mom) for two years before I started nursing school. I was afraid of getting back out in the real world, but have found that I am a better and more confident person having been a full time mom. Right now I'm on winter break and am getting to be a SAHM for another week. I miss it alot, but look forward to the better life a nursing career will give us. Hence the name "Dirt Paths to Golden Roads" I have long been on a dirt path, perhaps I have made it to gravel and am on my way to a asphalt paved sidewalk, but the golden road is something I'll see after my last post on this blog.
I have a shakey at best relationship with Jesus Christ. I love Him and am so glad that our Father sent him to die for us, but have such a hard time being faithful. I don't know why, but I do. I used to think it'd be easier after I'd become a wife and a mother, but I am still me. I pray almost daily, but feel guilty that I spend more time asking for help than I do praising and thanking. Most of the time my prayer is simply singing along to Christian songs that move me, but it is heartfelt praise. I feel like thousands of years ago God gave us Psalms through David for this very purpose.
So anyways that about covers it except for DH (dear husband), whom I love dearly although it can be a serious challenge at times :) We have been married for almost 8 years--which seems insane, but sometimes it seems longer. We have had many ups and downs, but we are still together and I think we just might make it :)
So anyways stay tuned, maybe I'll be a real bloggerina one day :D